
2010年-06月-27日 來源:mebo

(06.21 --06.27 / 2010)

1. 自體角膜緣干細(xì)胞移植治愈角膜燒傷導(dǎo)致的失明
  新英格蘭醫(yī)學(xué)雜志提前在線發(fā)表的一篇文章講述了通過移植自體角膜緣干細(xì)胞來再生角膜治愈角膜燒傷導(dǎo)致的失明,107例眼睛有82例完全有效,14例部分有效,無效的都發(fā)生在移植后第一年。到目前為止移植后新生的角膜正常工作已達(dá)十年。這是迄今為止此類研究時間最長規(guī)模最大的一次。 每年干細(xì)胞移植把希望帶給了全世界數(shù)千因強(qiáng)效清潔劑或其他化學(xué)物質(zhì)燒傷角膜的患者。 這一方法不能治療涉及視網(wǎng)膜的視神經(jīng)損傷或黃斑變性患者,也不能治療雙目完全失明患者,因為此類患者沒有可供移植的健康角膜緣組織。

【原文摘錄】Published at June 23, 2010 (10.1056/NEJMoa0905955)
Limbal Stem-Cell Therapy and Long-Term Corneal Regeneration
Paolo Rama, M.D., Stanislav Matuska, M.D., Giorgio Paganoni, M.D., Alessandra Spinelli, M.D., Michele De Luca, M.D., and Graziella Pellegrini, Ph.D.
Background Corneal renewal and repair are mediated by stem cells of the limbus, the narrow zone between the cornea and the bulbar conjunctiva. Ocular burns may destroy the limbus, causing limbal stem-cell deficiency. We investigated the long-term clinical results of cell therapy in patients with burn-related corneal destruction associated with limbal stem-cell deficiency, a highly disabling ocular disease.
Methods We used autologous limbal stem cells cultivated on fibrin to treat 112 patients with corneal damage, most of whom had burn-dependent limbal stem-cell deficiency. Clinical results were assessed by means of Kaplan–Meier, Kruskal–Wallis, and univariate and multivariate logistic-regression analyses. We also assessed the clinical outcome according to the percentage of holoclone-forming stem cells, detected as cells that stain intensely (p63-bright cells) in the cultures.
Results Permanent restoration of a transparent, renewing corneal epithelium was attained in 76.6% of eyes. The failures occurred within the first year. Restored eyes remained stable over time, with up to 10 years of follow-up (mean, 2.91±1.99; median, 1.93). In post hoc analyses, success — that is, the generation of normal epithelium on donor stroma — was associated with the percentage of p63-bright holoclone-forming stem cells in culture. Cultures in which p63-bright cells constituted more than 3% of the total number of clonogenic cells were associated with successful transplantation in 78% of patients. In contrast, cultures in which such cells made up 3% or less of the total number of cells were associated with successful transplantation in only 11% of patients. Graft failure was also associated with the type of initial ocular damage and postoperative complications.
Conclusions Cultures of limbal stem cells represent a source of cells for transplantation in the treatment of destruction of the human cornea due to burns.

2. 吉非替尼藥物顯著提高表皮生長因子受體突變的晚期非小細(xì)胞肺癌患者的生存期
【摘要】新華網(wǎng) 發(fā)布時間:2010-6-24 16:34:46

【原文摘錄】The New England Journal of Medicine 362(25):2380-2388.
Gefitinib or Chemotherapy for Non–Small-Cell Lung Cancer with Mutated EGFR
Makoto Maemondo, Akira Inoue, Kunihiko Kobayashi, et al.
Background Non–small-cell lung cancer with sensitive mutations of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) is highly responsive to EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors such as gefitinib, but little is known about how its efficacy and safety profile compares with that of standard chemotherapy.
Methods We randomly assigned 230 patients with metastatic, non–small-cell lung cancer and EGFR mutations who had not previously received chemotherapy to receive gefitinib or carboplatin–paclitaxel. The primary end point was progression-free survival; secondary end points included overall survival, response rate, and toxic effects.
Results In the planned interim analysis of data for the first 200 patients, progression-free survival was significantly longer in the gefitinib group than in the standard-chemotherapy group (hazard ratio for death or disease progression with gefitinib, 0.36; P<0.001), resulting in early termination of the study. The gefitinib group had a significantly longer median progression-free survival (10.8 months, vs. 5.4 months in the chemotherapy group; hazard ratio, 0.30; 95% confidence interval, 0.22 to 0.41; P<0.001), as well as a higher response rate (73.7% vs. 30.7%, P<0.001). The median overall survival was 30.5 months in the gefitinib group and 23.6 months in the chemotherapy group (P=0.31). The most common adverse events in the gefitinib group were rash (71.1%) and elevated aminotransferase levels (55.3%), and in the chemotherapy group, neutropenia (77.0%), anemia (64.6%), appetite loss (56.6%), and sensory neuropathy (54.9%). One patient receiving gefitinib died from interstitial lung disease.
Conclusions First-line gefitinib for patients with advanced non–small-cell lung cancer who were selected on the basis of EGFR mutations improved progression-free survival, with acceptable toxicity, as compared with standard chemotherapy. (UMIN-CTR number, C000000376.)

3. 研究發(fā)現(xiàn)RNA的新功能

【原文摘錄】Nature 465(7301):1033–1038, doi:10.1038/nature09144
A coding-independent function of gene and pseudogene mRNAs regulates tumour biology
Laura Poliseno, Leonardo Salmena, Jiangwen Zhang, Brett Carver, William J. Haveman & Pier Paolo Pandolfi
The canonical role of messenger RNA (mRNA) is to deliver protein-coding information to sites of protein synthesis. However, given that microRNAs bind to RNAs, we hypothesized that RNAs could possess a regulatory role that relies on their ability to compete for microRNA binding, independently of their protein-coding function. As a model for the protein-coding-independent role of RNAs, we describe the functional relationship between the mRNAs produced by the PTEN tumour suppressor gene and its pseudogene PTENP1 and the critical consequences of this interaction. We find that PTENP1 is biologically active as it can regulate cellular levels of PTEN and exert a growth-suppressive role. We also show that the PTENP1 locus is selectively lost in human cancer. We extended our analysis to other cancer-related genes that possess pseudogenes, such as oncogenic KRAS. We also demonstrate that the transcripts of protein-coding genes such as PTEN are biologically active. These findings attribute a novel biological role to expressed pseudogenes, as they can regulate coding gene expression, and reveal a non-coding function for mRNAs.

4. 有效的吞噬作用需要ATGL調(diào)節(jié)的三酰甘油水解

【原文摘錄】June 25, 2010 The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 285, 20192-20201.
Efficient Phagocytosis Requires Triacylglycerol Hydrolysis by Adipose Triglyceride Lipase
Prakash G. Chandak, Branislav Radović, Elma Aflaki, et al.
Macrophage phagocytosis is an essential biological process in host defense and requires large amounts of energy. To date, glucose is believed to represent the prime substrate for ATP production in macrophages. To investigate the relative contribution of free fatty acids (FFAs) in this process, we determined the phagocytosis rates in normal mouse macrophages and macrophages of adipose triglyceride lipase (ATGL)-deficient mice. ATGL was shown to be the rate-limiting enzyme for the hydrolysis of lipid droplet-associated triacylglycerol (TG) in many tissues. Here, we demonstrate that Atgl−/− macrophages fail to efficiently hydrolyze cellular TG stores leading to decreased cellular FFA concentrations and concomitant accumulation of lipid droplets, even in the absence of exogenous lipid loading. The reduced availability of FFAs results in decreased cellular ATP concentrations and impaired phagocytosis suggesting that fatty acids must first go through a cycle of esterification and re-hydrolysis before they are available as energy substrate. Exogenously added glucose cannot fully compensate for the phagocytotic defect in Atgl−/− macrophages. Hence, phagocytosis was also decreased in vivo when Atgl−/− mice were challenged with bacterial particles. These findings imply that phagocytosis in macrophages depends on the availability of FFAs and that ATGL is required for their hydrolytic release from cellular TG stores. This novel mechanism links ATGL-mediated lipolysis to macrophage function in host defense and opens the way to explore possible roles of ATGL in immune response, inflammation, and atherosclerosis.

5. Smed-prep基因是渦蟲的頭部和大腦適當(dāng)再生的基本要素
【摘要】《PLoS遺傳學(xué)》 發(fā)布時間:2010-6-25 10:47:03
  渦蟲具有在被截斷后,身體部位再生的獨特能力,這些部位包括頭部和大腦。它們含有成熟干細(xì)胞,這些細(xì)胞經(jīng)常分裂,變成身體缺失的所有類型的細(xì)胞。該研究顯示,當(dāng)渦蟲的身體部位進(jìn)行再生時,是一套基因在控制這一過程,使它們在正確位置再生出大小、形狀和方位保持原狀的肢體。該研究成果發(fā)表在4月22日的《公共科學(xué)圖書館•遺傳學(xué)》(PLoS Genetics)雜志上。
  研究人員表示,Smed-prep是組成渦蟲頭部的細(xì)胞正確分化和定位的必要因素,也是確定頭部位置的關(guān)鍵。他們還發(fā)現(xiàn),盡管Smed- prep的出現(xiàn)是導(dǎo)致頭部和大腦處于正確位置的決定因素,但是渦蟲干細(xì)胞會在其他不相干的基因影響下,形成腦細(xì)胞。不過研究人員表示,即便如此,如果沒有Smed-prep,這些細(xì)胞是無法自行組織起來,形成正常大腦的。

【原文摘錄】PLoS Genet 6(4): e1000915. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1000915
The TALE Class Homeobox Gene Smed-prep Defines the Anterior Compartment for Head Regeneration
Felix DA, Aboobaker AA
Planaria continue to blossom as a model system for understanding all aspects of regeneration. They provide an opportunity to understand how the replacement of missing tissues from preexisting adult tissue is orchestrated at the molecular level. When amputated along any plane, planaria are capable of regenerating all missing tissue and rescaling all structures to the new size of the animal. Recently, rapid progress has been made in understanding the developmental pathways that control planarian regeneration. In particular Wnt/beta-catenin signaling is central in promoting posterior fates and inhibiting anterior identity. Currently the mechanisms that actively promote anterior identity remain unknown. Here, Smed-prep, encoding a TALE class homeodomain, is described as the first gene necessary for correct anterior fate and patterning during planarian regeneration. Smed-prep is expressed at high levels in the anterior portion of whole animals, and Smed-prep(RNAi) leads to loss of the whole brain during anterior regeneration, but not during lateral regeneration or homeostasis in intact worms. Expression of markers of different anterior fated cells are greatly reduced or lost in Smed-prep(RNAi) animals. We find that the ectopic anterior structures induced by abrogation of Wnt signaling also require Smed-prep to form. We use double knockdown experiments with the S. mediterranea ortholog of nou-darake (that when knocked down induces ectopic brain formation) to show that Smed-prep defines an anterior fated compartment within which stem cells are permitted to assume brain fate, but is not required directly for this differentiation process. Smed-prep is the first gene clearly implicated as being necessary for promoting anterior fate and the first homeobox gene implicated in establishing positional identity during regeneration. Together our results suggest that Smed-prep is required in stem cell progeny as they form the anterior regenerative blastema and is required for specifying anterior cell fates and correct patterning.

6. 環(huán)孢霉素治療成為誘發(fā)新癌癥的因素
  荷蘭研究人員日前發(fā)現(xiàn)在肝臟移植的病人中環(huán)孢霉素治療是引起新發(fā)癌癥的顯著風(fēng)險因子。過去三十年來,肝臟移植后一年生存率顯著增長到超過80%,相反的,長期效果沒有任何改進(jìn)。惡性腫瘤是肝臟移植后的一個主要死因,而且據(jù)報道與免疫抑制劑的強(qiáng)度和累積劑量有直接關(guān)系。象環(huán)孢霉素或他克莫司這類鈣調(diào)磷酸酶抑制劑是器官移植后免疫抑制治療的基石。該研究涉及20年內(nèi)385例肝臟移植病例。在移植后第1、5、10和15年新癌癥的發(fā)生率分別是2.9% ± 0.9%, 10.5% ± 1.8%, 19.4% ± 3.0%, and 33.6% ± 6.8%。

【原文摘錄】 Liver Transplantation,2010,16(7):837 - 846
Increased incidence of early de novo cancer in liver graft recipients treated with cyclosporine: An association with C2 monitoring and recipient age
Angela S. W. Tjon, Jerome Sint Nicolaas, Jaap Kwekkeboom,et al.
The goal of this study was to determine the risk factors for de novo cancer after liver transplantation (LTx). Retrospective analyses were performed in 385 LTx patients who underwent transplantation between 1986 and 2007. In total, 50 (13.0%) recipients developed de novo malignancy. The cumulative incidence of de novo cancer at 1, 5, 10, and 15 years after LTx was 2.9% ± 0.9%, 10.5% ± 1.8%, 19.4% ± 3.0%, and 33.6% ± 6.8%, respectively. The standardized incidence ratio of malignancy in LTx patients compared to the general population was 2.2 (95% confidence interval: 1.6-2.8). After excluding posttransplant lymphoproliferative disorder and skin cancer, patients with de novo cancer had a significantly lower survival rate compared to recipients who remained cancer-free. The identified univariate risk factors for de novo cancer were cyclosporine A (CsA) treatment, time period of LTx, and recipient age. In multivariate analysis, only CsA treatment emerged as an independent risk factor for de novo cancer, which was attributed to more aggressive cancer types. A surprising finding was that CsA treatment specifically enhanced cancer risk in patients who underwent transplantation after 2004, when C2 monitoring (blood concentration at 2 hours postdose) was introduced. In addition, these patients showed a significantly lower acute rejection rate, which might reflect a more robust immunosuppressive status caused by the CsA-C2 regimen. When age was considered, only patients 50 years had a higher cancer rate when treated with CsA compared to treatment with tacrolimus. Our data suggest that, compared to tacrolimus treatment, CsA treatment with C2 monitoring or in younger patients of 50 years is associated with a higher early de novo cancer risk after LTx.