
2010年-04月-04日 來源:mebo

(03.29--04.04 / 2010)

  本周的進(jìn)展大多是關(guān)于基因治療方面的。 其中發(fā)現(xiàn)控制渦蟲再生能力“總開關(guān)” 的報(bào)道比較有意義。對(duì)于我們了解動(dòng)物的再生有很好的啟示。另外兩篇有關(guān)多巴胺D2受體的文章在基因?qū)用嫔峡吹搅似鋵?duì)吃垃圾食品和睡眠的影響,對(duì)于養(yǎng)生保健或許有所幫助。其余是有關(guān)基因療法的一些進(jìn)展和基因運(yùn)載的新技術(shù),基因與衰老、免疫的關(guān)系等。
1. 發(fā)現(xiàn)控制渦蟲再生能力“總開關(guān)”
  德國科學(xué)家最近發(fā)現(xiàn)了一種對(duì)渦蟲的再生能力有關(guān)鍵調(diào)節(jié)作用的蛋白質(zhì)。他們希望這一發(fā)現(xiàn)有助于人類干細(xì)胞研究。 德國馬克斯•普朗克分子生物研究所科學(xué)家用核糖核酸(RNA)干擾抑制基因表達(dá)的方式抑制了渦蟲體內(nèi)蛋白質(zhì)“Smed—SmB”的合成,結(jié)果發(fā)現(xiàn)這導(dǎo)致渦蟲體內(nèi)的全能干細(xì)胞均不能分裂,渦蟲因此失去了再生能力。參與研究的科學(xué)家說,這相當(dāng)于發(fā)現(xiàn)了影響渦蟲干細(xì)胞分裂的“總開關(guān)” ,這一發(fā)現(xiàn)可能有助于人們深入了解組織缺損修復(fù)的機(jī)理。由于渦蟲細(xì)胞中四分之三的基因與人類基因相似,科學(xué)家還希望他們的研究成果有助于人類干細(xì)胞研究。新華網(wǎng) 發(fā)布時(shí)間:2010-4-1 16:12:39

  如果能證實(shí)關(guān)閉其它基因渦蟲依然能再生的話,那么Smed-Smb蛋白就很可能是個(gè)渦蟲全效生長因子。如果能在哺乳動(dòng)物體內(nèi)發(fā)現(xiàn)類似功能的蛋白,那將是非常驚人的?;蛟S美寶再生物質(zhì)里有類似功能的成分??? 結(jié)合上期的“發(fā)現(xiàn)哺乳動(dòng)物控制再生能力基因”關(guān)閉p21,開啟再生的報(bào)道,一對(duì)掌控再生能力的基因開關(guān)就出現(xiàn)了: p21抑制再生,表達(dá)Smed-Smb類似蛋白的基因促進(jìn)再生。 而發(fā)展有效的 RNAi 技術(shù)來按需要關(guān)閉對(duì)應(yīng)基因可以達(dá)到促進(jìn)或抑制再生的目的。不過看起來離這個(gè)結(jié)果還很遠(yuǎn)。但是對(duì)于進(jìn)一步了解動(dòng)物的再生機(jī)理是有幫助的。

doi: 10.1242/dev.042564 April 1, 2010 Development 137,1055-1065.
Smed-SmB, a member of the LSm protein superfamily, is essential for chromatoid body organization and planarian stem cell proliferation
Enrique Fernandéz-Taboada1, Sören Moritz2, Dagmar Zeuschner2, Martin Stehling2, Hans R. Schöler2,3, Emili Saló1,* and Luca Gentile2,*

Planarians are an ideal model system to study in vivo the dynamics of adult pluripotent stem cells. However, our knowledge of the factors necessary for regulating the ‘stemness’ of the neoblasts, the adult stem cells of planarians, is sparse. Here, we report on the characterization of the first planarian member of the LSm protein superfamily, Smed-SmB, which is expressed in stem cells and neurons in Schmidtea mediterranea. LSm proteins are highly conserved key players of the splicing machinery. Our study shows that Smed-SmB protein, which is localized in the nucleus and the chromatoid body of stem cells, is required to safeguard the proliferative ability of the neoblasts. The chromatoid body, a cytoplasmatic ribonucleoprotein complex, is an essential regulator of the RNA metabolism required for the maintenance of metazoan germ cells. However, planarian neoblasts and neurons also rely on its functions. Remarkably, Smed-SmB dsRNA-mediated knockdown results in a rapid loss of organization of the chromatoid body, an impairment of the ability to post-transcriptionally process the transcripts of Smed-CycB, and a severe proliferative failure of the neoblasts. This chain of events leads to a quick depletion of the neoblast pool, resulting in a lethal phenotype for both regenerating and intact animals. In summary, our results suggest that Smed-SmB is an essential component of the chromatoid body, crucial to ensure a proper RNA metabolism and essential for stem cell proliferation.

2. 垃圾食品成癮癥或確實(shí)存在
  美國最新研究顯示,肥胖人群無法拒絕美食誘惑的解釋可能并不是給自己找借口,垃圾食品成癮癥似乎確實(shí)存在。 這一發(fā)現(xiàn)是通過老鼠研究得出的。在研究人員無限制地為老鼠提供熏肉、磅餅、糖塊以及其它垃圾食品等高熱量食物之后,老鼠體重快速增加。隨著身體越來越胖,吃東西變成一種強(qiáng)迫,即使這么做雙腳會(huì)遭受電擊,它們也不愿意放下爪子,繼續(xù)享用美食。相比之下,享用健康食品的老鼠并未增加太多體重,在意識(shí)到吃的過多會(huì)遭到電擊之后,它們便停止進(jìn)食。研究人員指出,更令人感到吃驚的是,在拿走肥胖老鼠的垃圾食品并換上健康食品之后,這些家伙居然選擇絕食。在長達(dá)兩周時(shí)間里,它們拒絕吃任何東西。研究人員尚無法確定研究結(jié)果是否也適用于人類。


Nature Neuroscience | Article
Dopamine D2 receptors in addiction-like reward dysfunction and compulsive eating in obese rats
Published online 28 March 2010 Paul M Johnson & Paul J Kenny
We found that development of obesity was coupled with emergence of a progressively worsening deficit in neural reward responses. Similar changes in reward homeostasis induced by cocaine or heroin are considered to be crucial in triggering the transition from casual to compulsive drug-taking. Accordingly, we detected compulsive-like feeding behavior in obese but not lean rats, measured as palatable food consumption that was resistant to disruption by an aversive conditioned stimulus. Striatal dopamine D2 receptors (D2Rs) were downregulated in obese rats, as has been reported in humans addicted to drugs. Moreover, lentivirus-mediated knockdown of striatal D2Rs rapidly accelerated the development of addiction-like reward deficits and the onset of compulsive-like food seeking in rats with extended access to palatable high-fat food. These data demonstrate that overconsumption of palatable food triggers addiction-like neuroadaptive responses in brain reward circuits and drives the development of compulsive eating. Common hedonic mechanisms may therefore underlie obesity and drug addiction.

3. “多巴胺D2受體”研究為治療“第一晚效應(yīng)”提供新思路
醫(yī)學(xué)上把一些人換床后無法入睡的現(xiàn)象稱為“第一晚效應(yīng)”。資料顯示,隨著工業(yè)化進(jìn)程的加快,社會(huì)競爭、工作壓力、不良夜生活習(xí)慣及人口老齡化等原因,全球三分之一的人存在睡眠問題,其中不少人因經(jīng)常出差不能在習(xí)慣的床上睡眠或入睡前情緒改變、精神亢奮或緊張而難以入眠,深陷“第一晚效應(yīng)”的痛苦之中不能自拔,嚴(yán)重影響到次日工作效率和身體健康。復(fù)旦大學(xué)醫(yī)學(xué)神經(jīng)生物學(xué)國家重點(diǎn)實(shí)驗(yàn)室黃志力課題組研究人員曲衛(wèi)敏副教授、徐昕紅博士等運(yùn)用高度自動(dòng)化睡眠覺醒解析系統(tǒng),記錄已經(jīng)基因剔除“多巴胺D2受體”小鼠的睡眠過程,并結(jié)合藥理學(xué)等手段,從基因到行為解析了多巴胺D2受體在睡眠覺醒調(diào)控中的作用。結(jié)果發(fā)現(xiàn),與正常小鼠(野生型小鼠)相比,剔除了多巴胺D2受體的小鼠,活動(dòng)期維持覺醒困難,睡眠量增加。 為模擬人在新環(huán)境下如出差住宿等,出現(xiàn)換床后失眠現(xiàn)象,即“第一晚效應(yīng)”,研究人員更換動(dòng)物居住環(huán)境,考察小鼠在新環(huán)境中的睡眠行為。結(jié)果顯示,多巴胺D2受體正常的小鼠面對(duì)新環(huán)境刺激,極為不習(xí)慣、入睡困難,而剔除了多巴胺D2受體的小鼠則“高枕無憂”,迅速入睡。

多巴胺D2受體刪除的老鼠實(shí)驗(yàn)中不出現(xiàn)”第一晚效應(yīng)”, 在新環(huán)境中能迅速入睡,且睡眠量增加。 這個(gè)現(xiàn)象是否與生物鐘有關(guān),能否在改善睡眠上有利用價(jià)值,值得研究一下,看是否可能用在生物鐘飲食療法上。不過需要注意的是,通過基因敲除技術(shù)研究的結(jié)論只是單個(gè)(或某幾個(gè))基因的作用,無法考慮或排除整體的調(diào)控在其中的影響,因此結(jié)論往往不是那么十分確定的。

The Journal of Neuroscience, March 24, 2010, 30(12):4382-4389; doi:10.1523
Essential Role of Dopamine D2 Receptor in the Maintenance of Wakefulness, But Not in Homeostatic Regulation of Sleep, in Mice
Wei-Min Qu,1 Xin-Hong Xu,1 Ming-Ming Yan,1 Yi-Qun Wang,1 Yoshihiro Urade,2 and Zhi-Li Huang1
Dopamine (DA) and its D2 receptor (R) are involved in cognition, reward processing, and drug addiction. However, their roles in sleep–wake regulation remain unclear. Herein we investigated the role of D2R in sleep–wake regulation by using D2R knock-out (KO) mice and pharmacological manipulation. Compared with WT mice, D2R KO mice exhibited a significant decrease in wakefulness, with a concomitant increase in non-rapid eye movement (non-REM, NREM) and REM sleep and a drastic decrease in the low-frequency (0.75–2 Hz) electroencephalogram delta power of NREM sleep, especially during the first 4 h after lights off. The KO mice had decreased mean episode duration and increased episode numbers of wake and NREM sleep, many stage transitions between wakefulness and NREM sleep during the dark period, suggesting the instability of the wake stage in these D2R KO mice. When the KO mice were subjected to a cage change or an intraperitoneal saline injection, the latency to sleep in the KO mice decreased to half of the level for WT mice. The D2R antagonist raclopride mimicked these effects in WT mice. When GBR12909, a dopamine transport inhibitor, was administered intraperitoneally, it induced wakefulness in WT mice in a dose-dependent manner, but its arousal effect was attenuated to one-third in the D2R KO mice. However, these 2 genotypes showed an identical response in terms of sleep rebound after 2, 4, and 6 h of sleep deprivation. These results indicate that D2R plays an essential role in the maintenance of wakefulness, but not in homeostatic regulation of NREM sleep.

4. 番茄基因加抗艾滋藥物的新基因療法治療癌癥
  瑞典研究人員最新發(fā)現(xiàn),一種番茄基因與藥物組合后能破壞癌細(xì)胞,這一發(fā)現(xiàn)將有助于用基因療法治療癌癥。瑞典隆德大學(xué)研究人員日前發(fā)表公報(bào)說,這種番茄基因在幫助建立和修復(fù)番茄基因組方面“非?;钴S”,但它本身并不足以破壞癌細(xì)胞。在先后測試了不同藥物后,研究人員最終發(fā)現(xiàn),這種番茄基因與抗艾滋病藥物AZT組合后,能更有效地打擊癌細(xì)胞。研究人員指出,很多人對(duì)基因療法心存疑慮,擔(dān)心病人的基因在接受治療后發(fā)生改變,引發(fā)更多的不良反應(yīng)。然而,上述研究并不存在這種風(fēng)險(xiǎn) ,因?yàn)榉鸦騼H僅被注入癌細(xì)胞內(nèi),并不影響其他細(xì)胞。 新華網(wǎng) 2010-3-29 12:11:30

  細(xì)胞培養(yǎng)以及裸鼠實(shí)驗(yàn)顯示 西紅柿TK1基因與抗艾滋藥物逆轉(zhuǎn)錄酶抑制劑AZT組合的自殺基因療法結(jié)合干細(xì)胞介導(dǎo)的基因注入 顯著提高了癌細(xì)胞對(duì)藥物的敏感度,實(shí)質(zhì)性的抑制了腫瘤生長,可以說在針對(duì)癌細(xì)胞的攻擊方面這的確是個(gè)很好的策略,只是一方面還僅僅在實(shí)驗(yàn)動(dòng)物身上看到效果,另一方面,它并未有顯示出可以治愈癌癥的潛力,而且將異種基因轉(zhuǎn)入動(dòng)物體內(nèi)哪怕只是體內(nèi)的癌細(xì)胞中會(huì)產(chǎn)生什么后果尚未可知,也就存在著未知的風(fēng)險(xiǎn)。最基本的,這種策略依然是治標(biāo)不治本。

Neuro Oncol. 2010 Feb 13 PMID: 20154339
Plant thymidine kinase 1: a novel efficient suicide gene for malignant glioma therapy.
Khan Z, Knecht W, Willer M, Rozpedowska E, Kristoffersen P, Clausen AR, Munch-Petersen B, Almqvist PM, Gojkovic Z, Piskur J, Ekstr?m TJ.
The prognosis for malignant gliomas remains poor, and new treatments are urgently needed. Targeted suicide gene therapy exploits the enzymatic conversion of a prodrug, such as a nucleoside analog, into a cytotoxic compound. Although this therapeutic strategy has been considered a promising regimen for central nervous system (CNS) tumors, several obstacles have been encountered such as inefficient gene transfer to the tumor cells, limited prodrug penetration into the CNS, and inefficient enzymatic activity of the suicide gene. We report here the cloning and successful application of a novel thymidine kinase 1 (TK1) from the tomato plant, with favorable characteristics in vitro and in vivo. This enzyme (toTK1) is highly specific for the nucleoside analog prodrug zidovudine (azidothymidine, AZT), which is known to penetrate the blood-brain barrier. An important feature of toTK1 is that it efficiently phosphorylates its substrate AZT not only to AZT monophosphate, but also to AZT diphosphate, with excellent kinetics. The efficiency of the toTK1/AZT system was confirmed when toTK1-transduced human glioblastoma (GBM) cells displayed a 500-fold increased sensitivity to AZT compared with wild-type cells. In addition, when neural progenitor cells were used as delivery vectors for toTK1 in intracranial GBM xenografts in nude rats, substantial attenuation of tumor growth was achieved in animals exposed to AZT, and survival of the animals was significantly improved compared with controls. The novel toTK1/AZT suicide gene therapy system in combination with stem cell-mediated gene delivery promises new treatment of malignant gliomas.

5. 一種可使藥物直接攻擊癌細(xì)胞的全新方法
  加拿大蒙特利爾大學(xué)和拉瓦爾大學(xué)的科學(xué)家發(fā)現(xiàn)了一種可使藥物直接攻擊癌細(xì)胞的全新方法,其可為急性骨髓白血病患者等癌癥病人帶來福音。據(jù)科學(xué)家稱,這種新方法目前已接近于臨床試驗(yàn)。相關(guān)文章發(fā)表在最新出版的《生物化學(xué)雜志》上。 研究負(fù)責(zé)人、蒙特利爾大學(xué)藥學(xué)系教授丁戴爾•拉門塔爾表示,他們發(fā)現(xiàn)人體中部分類型的細(xì)胞存在一個(gè)“門口”,如源自骨髓的細(xì)胞就存在一個(gè)允許博來霉素等抗癌藥物進(jìn)入的“門”,找到并打開這扇“門”就可讓藥物直接攻擊引發(fā)白血病的癌細(xì)胞。該成果為癌癥治療開辟了一條新途徑。


JBC doi: 10.1074/jbc.M109.046151
The Human Carnitine Transporter SLC22A16 Mediates High Affinity Uptake of the Anticancer Polyamine Analogue Bleomycin-A5*
Mustapha Aouida,1, Richard Poulin§ and Dindial Ramotar,2
Bleomycin is used in combination with other antineoplastic agents to effectively treat lymphomas, testicular carcinomas, and squamous cell carcinomas of the cervix, head, and neck. However, resistance to bleomycin remains a persistent limitation in exploiting the full therapeutic benefit of the drug with other types of cancers. Previously, we documented that the Saccharomyces cerevisiae L-carnitine transporter Agp2 is responsible for the high affinity uptake of polyamines and of the polyamine analogue bleomycin-A5. Herein, we document that the human L-carnitine transporter hCT2 encoded by the SLC22A16 gene is involved in bleomycin-A5 uptake, as well as polyamines. We show that NT2/D1 human testicular cancer cells, which highly express hCT2, are extremely sensitive to bleomycin-A5, whereas HCT116 human colon carcinoma cells devoid of detectable hCT2 expression or MCF-7 human breast cancer cells that only weakly express the permease showed striking resistance to the drug. NT2/D1 cells accumulated fluorescein-labeled bleomycin-A5 to substantially higher levels than HCT116 cells. Moreover, L-carnitine protected NT2/D1 cells from the lethal effects of bleomycin-A5 by preventing its influx, and siRNA targeted to hCT2 induced resistance to bleomycin-A5-dependent genotoxicity. Furthermore, hCT2 overexpression induced by transient transfection of a functional hCT2-GFP fusion protein sensitized HCT116 cells to bleomycin-A5. Collectively, our data strongly suggest that hCT2 can mediate bleomycin-A5 and polyamine uptake, and that the rate of bleomycin-A5 accumulation may account for the differential response to the drug in patients.

6. C60運(yùn)載基因技術(shù)為糖尿病患者送福音
  研究人員將結(jié)合了綠色熒光蛋白基因的水溶性C60注射到實(shí)驗(yàn)鼠體內(nèi)。結(jié)果發(fā)現(xiàn)實(shí)驗(yàn)鼠的肺、肝和脾都出現(xiàn)了該基因,證實(shí)了水溶性C60具有強(qiáng)大的基因運(yùn)載能力 。在隨后的實(shí)驗(yàn)中,研究人員讓水溶性C60攜帶指導(dǎo)合成胰島素的基因進(jìn)入實(shí)驗(yàn)鼠體內(nèi),結(jié)果實(shí)驗(yàn)鼠體內(nèi)的胰島素水平增加到平常的1.5倍,血糖值也降低了20%以上。研究人員介紹說,與基因結(jié)合的水溶性C60穿過細(xì)胞膜以后就會(huì)與基因分離,隨尿液排出體外,不會(huì)在體內(nèi)堆積。


PNAS doi: 10.1073/pnas.0909223107
In vivo gene delivery by cationic tetraamino fullerene
Rui Maeda-Mamiyaa,b, Eisei Noirib,1, Hiroyuki Isobec, Waka Nakanishic, Koji Okamotob, Kent Doib, Takeshi Sugayad, Tetsuro Izumie, Tatsuya Hommaa, and Eiichi Nakamuraa,1
Application of nanotechnology to medical biology has brought remarkable success. Water-soluble fullerenes are molecules with great potential for biological use because they can endow unique characteristics of amphipathic property and form a self-assembled structure by chemical modification. Effective gene delivery in vitro with tetra(piperazino)fullerene epoxide (TPFE) and its superiority to Lipofectin have been described in a previous report. For this study, we evaluated the efficacy of in vivo gene delivery by TPFE. Delivery of enhanced green fluorescent protein gene (EGFP) by TPFE on pregnant female ICR mice showed distinct organ selectivity compared with Lipofectin; moreover, higher gene expression by TPFE was found in liver and spleen, but not in the lung. No acute toxicity of TPFE was found for the liver and kidney, although Lipofectin significantly increased liver enzymes and blood urea nitrogen. In fetal tissues, neither TPFE nor Lipofectin induced EGFP gene expression. Delivery of insulin 2 gene to female C57/BL6 mice increased plasma insulin levels and reduced blood glucose concentrations, indicating the potential of TPFE-based gene delivery for clinical application. In conclusion, this study demonstrated effective gene delivery in vivo for the first time using a water-soluble fullerene.

7. 基因療法恢復(fù)患眼疾小鼠視力
  研究小組成員,俄克拉何馬州奧克拉荷馬大學(xué)健康科學(xué)中心細(xì)胞生物學(xué)系萊西博士和她的同事一起,研究了一組帶有視網(wǎng)膜緩慢變性基因的老鼠。萊西和她的同事對(duì)這些老鼠進(jìn)行了三種不同類型的治療方法:一種方法是用包含Rds基因的納米顆粒來治療,一種方法是用正?;騺碇委煟€有一種方法是通過生理鹽水來治療。 實(shí)施三種不同類型的治療方法后,研究人員將實(shí)驗(yàn)老鼠和其它具有視網(wǎng)膜色素變性或視網(wǎng)膜緩慢變性疾病老鼠進(jìn)行比較,從而分析得出實(shí)驗(yàn)老鼠視網(wǎng)膜的功能和結(jié)構(gòu)。研究人員發(fā)現(xiàn),接受納米顆粒基因療法的老鼠,其視覺功能得到改善,具有明顯愈合的跡象,而且這種效果到實(shí)驗(yàn)結(jié)束都還保持完好,而接受正?;蚝蜕睇}水治療的老鼠,其視力不斷下降。上述實(shí)驗(yàn)結(jié)果表明,納米顆粒是耐受性良好,并且是安全無副作用的治療方法。
  研究人員稱,他們希望此研究結(jié)果可幫助治愈那些和視網(wǎng)膜色素變性、遺傳性疾病和后天視網(wǎng)膜疾病等導(dǎo)致失明的疾病。 《美國實(shí)驗(yàn)生物學(xué)學(xué)會(huì)聯(lián)合會(huì)雜志》雜志主編,杰拉爾• 德韋斯曼說:“使盲人恢復(fù)視力曾經(jīng)被稱為奇跡。隨著我們對(duì)進(jìn)化、遺傳學(xué)和納米技術(shù)理解的加深,這種神奇的治療方法將變得非常普遍。”


Published as doi: 10.1096/fj.09-139147. (The FASEB Journal. 2010;24:1178-1191.)
Gene delivery to mitotic and postmitotic photoreceptors via compacted DNA nanoparticles results in improved phenotype in a mouse model of retinitis pigmentosa
Xue Cai*, Shannon M. Conley*, Zack Nash*, Steven J. Fliesler , , , Mark J. Cooper|| and Muna I. Naash*,1
The purpose of the present study was to test the therapeutic efficiency and safety of compacted-DNA nanoparticle-mediated gene delivery into the subretinal space of a juvenile mouse model of retinitis pigmentosa. Nanoparticles containing the mouse opsin promoter and wild-type mouse Rds gene were injected subretinally into mice carrying a haploinsufficiency mutation in the retinal degeneration slow (rds+/–) gene at postnatal day (P)5 and 22. Control mice were either injected with saline, injected with uncompacted naked plasmid DNA carrying the Rds gene, or remained untreated. Rds mRNA levels peaked at postinjection day 2 to 7 (PI-2 to PI-7) for P5 injections, stabilized at levels 2-fold higher than in uninjected controls for both P5 and P22 injections, and remained elevated at the latest time point examined (PI-120). Rod function (measured by electroretinography) showed modest but statistically significant improvement compared with controls after both P5 and P22 injections. Cone function in nanoparticle-injected eyes reached wild-type levels for both ages of injections, indicating full prevention of cone degeneration. Ultrastructural examination at PI-120 revealed significant improvement in outer segment structures in P5 nanoparticle-injected eyes, while P22 injection had a modest structural improvement. There was no evidence of macrophage activation or induction of IL-6 or TNF- mRNA in P5 or P22 nanoparticle-dosed eyes at either PI-2 or PI-30. Thus, compacted-DNA nanoparticles can efficiently and safely drive gene expression in both mitotic and postmitotic photoreceptors and retard degeneration in this model. These findings, using a clinically relevant treatment paradigm, illustrate the potential for application of nanoparticle-based gene replacement therapy for treatment of human retinal degenerations.—Cai, X., Conley, S. M., Nash, Z., Fliesler, S. J., Cooper, M. J., Naash, M. I. Gene delivery to mitotic and postmitotic photoreceptors via compacted DNA nanoparticles results in improved phenotype in a mouse model of retinitis pigmentosa.

8. DAF-16基因同壽命密切相關(guān)


Phenotypic Covariance of Longevity, Immunity and Stress Resistance in the Caenorhabditis Nematodes
Francis R. G. Amrit, Claudia M. L. Boehnisch, Robin C. May*
Ageing, immunity and stresstolerance are inherent characteristics of all organisms. In animals, these traits are regulated, at least in part, by forkhead transcription factors in response to upstream signals from the Insulin/Insulin–like growth factor signalling (IIS) pathway. In the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, these phenotypes are molecularly linked such that activation of the forkhead transcription factor DAF-16 both extends lifespan and simultaneously increases immunity and stress resistance. It is known that lifespan varies significantly among the Caenorhabditis species but, although DAF-16 signalling is highly conserved, it is unclear whether this phenotypic linkage occurs in other species. Here we investigate this phenotypic covariance by comparing longevity, stress resistance and immunity in four Caenorhabditis species.
Methodology/Principal Findings
We show using phenotypic analysis of DAF-16 influenced phenotypes that among four closely related Caenorhabditis nematodes, the gonochoristic species (Caenorhabditis remanei and Caenorhabditis brenneri) have diverged significantly with a longer lifespan, improved stress resistance and higher immunity than the hermaphroditic species (C. elegans and Caenorhabditis briggsae). Interestingly, we also observe significant differences in expression levels between the daf-16 homologues in these species using Real-Time PCR, which positively correlate with the observed phenotypes. Finally, we provide additional evidence in support of a role for DAF-16 in regulating phenotypic coupling by using a combination of wildtype isolates, constitutively active daf-16 mutants and bioinformatic analysis.
The gonochoristic species display a significantly longer lifespan (p<0.0001) and more robust immune and stress response (p<0.0001, thermal stress; p<0.01, heavy metal stress; p<0.0001, pathogenic stress) than the hermaphroditic species. Our data suggests that divergence in DAF-16 mediated phenotypes may underlie many of the differences observed between these four species of Caenorhabditis nematodes. These findings are further supported by the correlative higher daf-16 expression levels among the gonochoristic species and significantly higher lifespan, immunity and stress tolerance in the constitutively active daf-16 hermaphroditic mutants。