
2013年-01月-31日 來源:mebo



     Science Daily 2013年1月27日:大多數(shù)罹患致心律失常性右心室心肌病(arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia/cardiomyopathy, ARVD/C) 這一遺傳性心臟病的患者,都是到20歲出頭才知道他們的身體有問題。年齡較小時缺乏癥狀使得研究人員極難研究ARVD/C的發(fā)病機制以及開發(fā)治療手段。2012年諾貝爾獎得主山中伸彌(Shinya Yamanaka)博士開發(fā)的一項以干細胞為基礎的新技術,可幫助解決這一問題。利用這一技術,研究人員能夠用患者自身的皮膚細胞生成心肌細胞。然而,這些新生心臟細胞大多是不成熟的,這不禁讓研究人員提出質疑:是否能夠利用這些細胞來模擬成年期發(fā)生的疾病呢?

     在發(fā)表于1月27日《自然》(Nature)雜志上的一篇論文中,斯坦福-伯納姆醫(yī)學研究所(Sanford-Burnham)和約翰霍普金斯大學的研究人員將第一個基于成熟的ARVD/C 的“培養(yǎng)皿中的疾病”(disease in a dish)模型公諸于世。這一模型是利用山中伸彌的技術生成,生成的細胞代謝更接近成人心臟,從而為模擬疾病細胞成熟提供了一種新方法。相比于其它模型,這一模型有可能與人類ARVD/C更相關,因而更適合用于對該疾病進行研究及檢測新療法。
     “要證實培養(yǎng)皿中的疾病模型與成人發(fā)作性疾病具有臨床相關性這點是相當困難的。但在這里我們取得了一個重要的發(fā)現(xiàn)——只有當我們誘導成人樣代謝發(fā)生時,我們才能重現(xiàn)該疾病缺陷。這是一個重要的突破,因為ARVD/C癥狀通常要到成年早期才會出現(xiàn);而且我們正在研究的干細胞在本質上是胚胎狀態(tài),”該研究的資深作者、斯坦福-伯納姆醫(yī)學研究所副教授Huei-Sheng Vincent Chen說。
     為了建立這一模型,Chen與約翰霍普金斯大學的ARVD/C心臟病學專家Daniel Judge博士、Joseph Marine博士和Hugh Calkins展開了協(xié)作。 “目前還沒有能夠阻止ARVD/C疾病進程的治療手段。有了這一新模型,我們期望能為這一危及生命的疾病開發(fā)出更好的治療方法,” 約翰霍普金斯大學醫(yī)學院遺傳性心臟病中心的醫(yī)學顧問Judge副教授說。





點評: 用Yamanaka的技術產(chǎn)生的患者特異性心肌細胞屬于改造的新物種細胞,在此基礎上建立的模型也與患者本身細胞特性不同,盡管研究小組利用幾種雞尾酒來誘導模型中的這種成體代謝轉變,提供新的潛在藥物靶點,其結果是否能夠適用于人體仍是未知。

Studying arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia with patient-specific iPSCs

Author: Changsung Kim, Johnson Wong, Jianyan Wen, Shirong Wang, Cheng Wang, Sean Spiering, Natalia G. Kan, Sonia Forcales, Pier Lorenzo Puri, Teresa C. Leone, Joseph E. Marine, Hugh Calkins, Daniel P. Kelly, Daniel P. Judge & Huei-Sheng Vincent Chen

【Abstract】Cellular reprogramming of somatic cells to patient-specific induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) enables in vitro modelling of human genetic disorders for pathogenic investigations and therapeutic screens1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. However, using iPSC-derived cardiomyocytes (iPSC-CMs) to model an adult-onset heart disease remains challenging owing to the uncertainty regarding the ability of relatively immature iPSC-CMs to fully recapitulate adult disease phenotypes. Arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia/cardiomyopathy (ARVD/C) is an inherited heart disease characterized by pathological fatty infiltration and cardiomyocyte loss predominantly in the right ventricle8, which is associated with life-threatening ventricular arrhythmias. Over 50% of affected individuals have desmosome gene mutations, most commonly in PKP2, encoding plakophilin-2 (ref. 9). The median age at presentation of ARVD/C is 26 years8. We used previously published methods1, 10 to generate iPSC lines from fibroblasts of two patients with ARVD/C and PKP2 mutations11, 12. Mutant PKP2 iPSC-CMs demonstrate abnormal plakoglobin nuclear translocation and decreased β-catenin activity13 in cardiogenic conditions; yet, these abnormal features are insufficient to reproduce the pathological phenotypes of ARVD/C in standard cardiogenic conditions. Here we show that induction of adult-like metabolic energetics from an embryonic/glycolytic state and abnormal peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPAR-γ) activation underlie the pathogenesis of ARVD/C. By co-activating normal PPAR-alpha-dependent metabolism and abnormal PPAR-γ pathway in beating embryoid bodies (EBs) with defined media, we established an efficient ARVD/C in vitro model within 2 months. This model manifests exaggerated lipogenesis and apoptosis in mutant PKP2 iPSC-CMs. iPSC-CMs with a homozygous PKP2 mutation also had calcium-handling deficits. Our study is the first to demonstrate that induction of adult-like metabolism has a critical role in establishing an adult-onset disease model using patient-specific iPSCs. Using this model, we revealed crucial pathogenic insights that metabolic derangement in adult-like metabolic milieu underlies ARVD/C pathologies, enabling us to propose novel disease-modifying therapeutic strategies.