
2010年-12月-05日 來源:mebo

(11.29 -- 12.05 / 2010)


1. 老鼠實驗表明修復(fù)端粒可以逆轉(zhuǎn)衰老
不過,要把這一科技應(yīng)用于人體身上將會較為困難,老鼠一生中都能制造端粒酶,但是人類到成年后便會自動“關(guān)掉”這種基因,從而阻止細(xì)胞增長失控,以免轉(zhuǎn)化成癌癥。因此,提升人體的“端粒酶”水平雖然或有助減緩衰老速度,但同時增加患癌的風(fēng)險。德皮尼奧認(rèn)為,“TERT”療法如果是分階段進(jìn)行,和只用于身體沒有癌細(xì)胞及較為年青的人身上,療法或?qū)θ梭w安全。牛津大學(xué)生物化學(xué)家考克斯認(rèn)為,這項研究“非常重要”,證明原則上短期恢復(fù)成人體內(nèi)的“端?!保芰钅昀系慕M織重生和恢復(fù)生理功能。(來源:中國新聞網(wǎng) 發(fā)布時間:2010-11-30 11:05:34)


【原文摘錄】Nature advance online publication doi:10.1038/nature09603
Telomerase reactivation reverses tissue degeneration in aged telomerase-deficient mice
Mariela Jaskelioff, Florian L. Muller, Ji-Hye Paik, et al.
An ageing world population has fuelled interest in regenerative remedies that may stem declining organ function and maintain fitness. Unanswered is whether elimination of intrinsic instigators driving age-associated degeneration can reverse, as opposed to simply arrest, various afflictions of the aged. Such instigators include progressively damaged genomes. Telomerase-deficient mice have served as a model system to study the adverse cellular and organismal consequences of wide-spread endogenous DNA damage signalling activation in vivo1. Telomere loss and uncapping provokes progressive tissue atrophy, stem cell depletion, organ system failure and impaired tissue injury responses. Here, we sought to determine whether entrenched multi-system degeneration in adult mice with severe telomere dysfunction can be halted or possibly reversed by reactivation of endogenous telomerase activity. To this end, we engineered a knock-in allele encoding a 4-hydroxytamoxifen (4-OHT)-inducible telomerase reverse transcriptase-oestrogen receptor (TERT-ER) under transcriptional control of the endogenous TERT promoter. Homozygous TERT-ER mice have short dysfunctional telomeres and sustain increased DNA damage signalling and classical degenerative phenotypes upon successive generational matings and advancing age. Telomerase reactivation in such late generation TERT-ER mice extends telomeres, reduces DNA damage signalling and associated cellular checkpoint responses, allows resumption of proliferation in quiescent cultures, and eliminates degenerative phenotypes across multiple organs including testes, spleens and intestines. Notably, somatic telomerase reactivation reversed neurodegeneration with restoration of proliferating Sox2+ neural progenitors, Dcx+ newborn neurons, and Olig2+ oligodendrocyte populations. Consistent with the integral role of subventricular zone neural progenitors in generation and maintenance of olfactory bulb interneurons, this wave of telomerase-dependent neurogenesis resulted in alleviation of hyposmia and recovery of innate olfactory avoidance responses. Accumulating evidence implicating telomere damage as a driver of age-associated organ decline and disease risk and the marked reversal of systemic degenerative phenotypes in adult mice observed here support the development of regenerative strategies designed to restore telomere integrity.

2. 發(fā)現(xiàn)新的抗癌免疫細(xì)胞

領(lǐng)導(dǎo)這項研究的馬斯·哈爾·安德森說,研究小組正在研制一種新型癌癥疫苗,通過增加上述抗癌細(xì)胞的數(shù)量,提高機(jī)體免疫系統(tǒng)的攻擊力,從而抵抗癌癥。海萊烏醫(yī)院正用新疫苗對一些肺癌患者開展臨床試驗,目前的治療效果明顯好于常規(guī)療法。研究小組認(rèn)為,從原理上說,這種可有效抑制雙加氧酶產(chǎn)生的癌癥疫苗有望與其他療法協(xié)同治療多種癌癥。(來源:新華網(wǎng) 2010-12-2 10:33:22)


【原文摘錄】Blood, Nov 2010; doi:10.1182/blood-2010-06-288498
Indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase specific, cytotoxic T cells as immune regulators
Rikke Bæk Sørensen, Sine Reker Hadrup, Inge Marie Svane, et al.
Indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO) is an immunoregulatory enzyme that is implicated in suppressing T-cell immunity in normal and pathological settings. Here, we describe that spontaneous cytotoxic T-cell reactivity against IDO exists not only in cancer patients but also in healthy individuals. We show that the presence of such IDO-specific CD8+ T cells boosted T-cell immunity against viral or tumor-associated antigens by eliminating IDO+ suppressive cells. This had profound effects on the balance between IL-17-producing CD4+ T cells and regulatory T cells. Furthermore, this caused an increase in the production of the pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-6 and TNF- while decreasing the IL-10 production. Finally, the addition of IDO-inducing agents (i.e. the TLR9 ligand CpG, soluble CTLA4 or IFN-) induced IDO-specific T cells among PBMC from cancer patients as well as healthy donors. In the clinical setting, IDO may serve as an important and widely applicable target for immunotherapeutic strategies where IDO play a significant regulatory role. The present describe for the first time effector T cells with a general regulatory function that may play a vital role for the mounting or maintaining of an effective adaptive immune response. We suggest terming such effector T cells "supporter T cells".

3. Lkb1促進(jìn)造血干細(xì)胞生存



【原文摘錄】Nature doi:10.1038/nature09571
Lkb1 regulates cell cycle and energy metabolism in haematopoietic stem cells
Daisuke Nakada, Thomas L. Saunders & Sean J. Morrison
Little is known about metabolic regulation in stem cells and how this modulates tissue regeneration or tumour suppression. We studied the Lkb1 tumour suppressor and its substrate AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), kinases that coordinate metabolism with cell growth. Deletion of the Lkb1 (also called Stk11) gene in mice caused increased haematopoietic stem cell (HSC) division, rapid HSC depletion and pancytopenia. HSCs depended more acutely on Lkb1 for cell-cycle regulation and survival than many other haematopoietic cells. HSC depletion did not depend on mTOR activation or oxidative stress. Lkb1-deficient HSCs, but not myeloid progenitors, had reduced mitochondrial membrane potential and ATP levels. HSCs deficient for two catalytic α-subunits of AMPK (AMPK-deficient HSCs) showed similar changes in mitochondrial function but remained able to reconstitute irradiated mice. Lkb1-deficient HSCs, but not AMPK-deficient HSCs, exhibited defects in centrosomes and mitotic spindles in culture, and became aneuploid. Lkb1 is therefore required for HSC maintenance through AMPK-dependent and AMPK-independent mechanisms, revealing differences in metabolic and cell-cycle regulation between HSCs and some other haematopoietic progenitors.

4. 成熟血細(xì)胞與其親代干細(xì)胞的信息反饋

  澳大利亞墨爾本W(wǎng)alter and Eliza Hall Institute的一項最新研究表明成熟血細(xì)胞能夠與親代干細(xì)胞“溝通”,并影響其行為。機(jī)體內(nèi)血細(xì)胞反饋環(huán)的發(fā)現(xiàn)為研究干細(xì)胞機(jī)能紊亂引起的疾病及開發(fā)新的治療方法開辟了新道路。研究結(jié)果發(fā)表在11月29日的PNAS上,揭示了從前未知的血細(xì)胞間的相互關(guān)系。
來自分子醫(yī)學(xué)系的Carolyn de Graaf博士和Doug Hilton教授以及來自癌癥和血液病學(xué)系的Warren Alexander領(lǐng)導(dǎo)了該項研究?!拔覀冎姥焊杉?xì)胞可生成所有類型的成熟血細(xì)胞??茖W(xué)家們一直猜想是外部的因素調(diào)控了血細(xì)胞生成,并且兩個群體相互孤立存在,”Hilton教授說:“然而新研究表明成熟細(xì)胞事實上可反作用于干細(xì)胞,改變其基因表達(dá)以及影響它們的行為?!毖芯咳藛T發(fā)現(xiàn)血細(xì)胞異??梢鸱答伃h(huán)失調(diào),進(jìn)而對血液干細(xì)胞產(chǎn)生影響。研究人員在動物模型中研究了一種抑制血小板生成的轉(zhuǎn)錄因子Myb,在檢測Myb缺失對細(xì)胞的影響時發(fā)現(xiàn)了這一現(xiàn)象。de Graaf博士說Myb基因缺失可導(dǎo)致動物血液中產(chǎn)生高水平的血小板,從而引起維持干細(xì)胞的信號途徑發(fā)生改變?!爱?dāng)信號途徑發(fā)生改變時,這些干細(xì)胞不再維持在一種‘靜止?fàn)顟B(tài)’,而是在不斷地循環(huán),生成成熟干細(xì)胞,”de Graaf博士說:“最終干細(xì)胞會耗盡,由于缺乏足夠的干細(xì)胞生成新的紅細(xì)胞和白細(xì)胞,從而導(dǎo)致機(jī)體血液疾病發(fā)生?!贝送猓芯咳藛T還利用新一代的基因組技術(shù)鑒定了缺陷信號所致的血液干細(xì)胞中的基因標(biāo)記。這些基因標(biāo)記有可能在將來用于診斷和輔助疾病治療。“如果我們能夠了解這些基因在干細(xì)胞維持和血細(xì)胞生成中的重要作用,我們就能夠找到一些新途徑提高移植技術(shù)和血液疾病的治療,”de Graaf博士說。Hilton教授認(rèn)為新發(fā)現(xiàn)將使那些干細(xì)胞衰竭的患者受益?!拔覀兯龅氖虑榫褪谴_定這些干細(xì)胞的衰竭是否是由于成熟血細(xì)胞和干細(xì)胞之間的錯誤溝通所致,這些發(fā)現(xiàn)將有可能促使我們找到新的途徑治療這些疾病,”Hilton教授說。(Science Daily 2010-12-1 10:23:13 )

【原文摘錄】PNAS  doi: 10.1073/pnas.1016166108
Regulation of hematopoietic stem cells by their mature progeny
Carolyn A. de Graafa,b, Maria Kauppic, et al.
Thrombopoietin (TPO), acting through its receptor Mpl, has two major physiological roles: ensuring production of sufficient platelets via stimulation of megakaryocyte production and maintaining hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) quiescence. Mpl also controls circulating TPO concentration via receptor-mediated internalization and degradation. Here, we demonstrate that the megakaryocytosis and increased platelet mass in mice with mutations in the Myb or p300 genes causes reduced circulating TPO concentration and TPO starvation of the stem-cell compartment, which is exacerbated because these cells additionally exhibit impaired responsiveness to TPO. HSCs from MybPlt4/Plt4 mice show altered expression of TPO-responsive genes and, like HSCs from Tpo and Mpl mutant mice, exhibit increased cycling and a decline in the number of HSCs with age. These studies suggest that disorders of platelet number can have profound effects on the HSC compartment via effects on the feedback regulation of circulating TPO concentration.

5. 分子“開關(guān)”影響衰老和代謝疾病

  來自Harvard School of Public Health的科學(xué)家發(fā)現(xiàn)一種分子“開關(guān)”能夠關(guān)閉某些細(xì)胞進(jìn)程來抵抗衰老和代謝疾病。盡管還需要更多的研究,這一發(fā)現(xiàn)很可能有助于開發(fā)新的途徑來終止或減慢諸如2型糖尿病和心臟病等代謝疾病的進(jìn)展。用基因改造的老鼠模型,研究衰老過程中轉(zhuǎn)錄輔抑制物SMRT (silencing mediator of retinoid and thyroid hormone receptors)蛋白的作用,發(fā)現(xiàn)衰老細(xì)胞積累了更多的SMRT蛋白。在大多數(shù)代謝組織中SMRT的表達(dá)和結(jié)合到PPAR受體隨年齡增加。SMRT通過RID1和RID2兩個結(jié)構(gòu)域調(diào)節(jié)核受體信號途徑。通過基因工程選擇性失活RID1,使SMRT結(jié)合轉(zhuǎn)移到RID2相關(guān)核受體,增強(qiáng)了細(xì)胞對氧化損傷的敏感性,引起早衰和相關(guān)代謝疾病伴有線粒體功能降低和抗氧化基因表達(dá)。


【原文摘錄】Cell Metabolism, 2010; DOI: 10.1016/j.cmet.2010.11.007
Nuclear Receptor Corepressor SMRT Regulates Mitochondrial Oxidative Metabolism and Mediates Aging-Related Metabolic Deterioration.
Shannon M. Reilly, Prerna Bhargava, Sihao Liu, et al.
The transcriptional corepressor SMRT utilizes two major receptor-interacting domains (RID1 and RID2) to mediate nuclear receptor (NR) signaling through epigenetic modification. The physiological significance of such interaction remains unclear. We find SMRT expression and its occupancy on peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) target gene promoters are increased with age in major metabolic tissues. Genetic manipulations to selectively disable RID1 (SMRTmRID1) demonstrate that shifting SMRT repression to RID2-associated NRs, notably PPARs, causes premature aging and related metabolic diseases accompanied by reduced mitochondrial function and antioxidant gene expression. SMRTmRID1 cells exhibit increased susceptibility to oxidative damage, which could be rescued by PPAR activation or antioxidant treatment. In concert, several human Smrt gene polymorphisms are found to nominally associate with type 2 diabetes and adiponectin levels. These data uncover a role for SMRT in mitochondrial oxidative metabolism and the aging process, which may serve as a drug target to improve health span.

6. 共生菌影響果蠅的交配傾向



【原文摘錄】PNAS  DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1009906107
Commensal bacteria play a role in mating preference of Drosophila melanogaster
G. Sharon, D. Segal, J. M. Ringo, et al.
Development of mating preference is considered to be an early event in speciation. In this study, mating preference was achieved by dividing a population of Drosophila melanogaster and rearing one part on a molasses medium and the other on a starch medium. When the isolated populations were mixed, “molasses flies” preferred to mate with other molasses flies and “starch flies” preferred to mate with other starch flies. The mating preference appeared after only one generation and was maintained for at least 37 generations. Antibiotic treatment abolished mating preference, suggesting that the fly microbiota was responsible for the phenomenon. This was confirmed by infection experiments with microbiota obtained from the fly media (before antibiotic treatment) as well as with a mixed culture of Lactobacillus species and a pure culture of Lactobacillus plantarum isolated from starch flies. Analytical data suggest that symbiotic bacteria can influence mating preference by changing the levels of cuticular hydrocarbon sex pheromones. The results are discussed within the framework of the hologenome theory of evolution.