Part One: Preface

作者:Xu Rongxiang 出版社:CHINA SOCIAL SCIENCES PRESS 發(fā)行日期:2009 September

The technique of Gastrointestinal Organ Regenerative Restoration in situ is one of MEBO’s Human Body Regenerative Restoration Techniques, which aims to in situ regenerate gastrointestinal mucosa and related organs and tissues by utilizing PRCs (potential regenerative cells) of the human body.  It also helps to renew the aged tissues and organs, repair the injured or ulcerative tissues and organs and ensure the physiological structure and functions of the gastrointestine.  This plan introduces the whole application process of the technique of gastrointestinal regenerative restoration in situ, releases scientific research data from ‘the clone of the gastrointestinal mucosa in vitro’ to ‘the regenerative restoration of the gastrointestinal mucosa, the submucosal glands and the smooth muscle tissues in situ’, and also publishes the clinical data of the regenerative restoration of gastrointestinal mucosa in injuries and ulcers.  This is one of the most cutting-edge scientific achievements in the human life science with American patent granted.

This regenerative restoration technique is realized with three parts: 1) the technique of tissue and organ cloning from cells; 2) cell regenerative nutrients —MEBO Gastrointestinal Capsule; and 3) the bioclock diet plan.  Tissue and organ cloning from cells is the core technique with the nutrients supplied by the regenerative substances, and the bioclock diet plan is to regulate the diet to the bioclock of the gastrointestinal digestion and absorption so as to reduce the gastrointestinal injury and burden and to assure the gastrointestinal structure and function in a physiologically healthy state along with the life principles.

The growth and maintenance of the human body after birth relies on the energy and nutrients absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract and on the respiratory function of lungs, including oxygen inhalation and carbon dioxide exhalation.  If the organs can not be recovered, the injury or premature aging of the gastrointestinal organs will directly affect the cell lives in different organs of human body due to the lack of nutrition, and will further lead to premature aging and/or diseases.  Although a large number of researches on gastrointestinal health have been carried out, we still have not found the ideal way to restore the organs.  For example, scientists have not made any achievement on the anti-aging of gastrointestinal organs as well as the other organs of human body.  The research on the treatment of gastrointestinal ulcers always aims to heal the ulcerative wound with scar formation.  As a result, the ulcerative wounds are healed but the functions of the gastrointestinal mucosa have not been recovered, and the formed scars will cause the dysmotility, dysfunction, maldigestion and malabsorption, long-term stomachaches, gastrectasia and frequent reoccurrences.  People can do nothing to prevent the gastrointestinal mucosa injuries as well.  Human beings have been drinking alcohol for thousands of years but still can not prevent gastric damages brought by alcohol when enjoying the drinking.  The gastrointestinal organs of human body are maintaining our lives under such a situation. Gastrointestinal organs are the most fatigued, restless and vulnerable organs in human body and it is more regrettable that most people still do not take good care of these organs.  Regardless of the capacity and biotic rules of gastrointestinal organs, people enjoy the diets to their interest at any time.  For the outside beauty, every year people spend as much money on the skin care as that on the disease treatment, but they would not spend one penny on the health care of gastrointestines.  Only when they feel the pains from the gastrointestines, will they spend some money on treatment, but when it does not hurt people will neglect the health care of gastrointestines again, which is a typical life attitude of “once on shore, one prays no more”.

From the perspective of gastrointestinal regenerative restoration, based on the Human Body Regenerative Restoration Techniques in situ, this technique helps to establish a systematic plan of gastrointestinal regenerative restoration; and people can realize the revitalization of gastrointestines according to this plan. In the aspect of anti-aging, a large number of experiments have proved that this technique can take the effect of anti-aging of the gastrointestinal mucosa. In the aspect of treating and curing the ulcerative wounds without scar formation, a large number of clinical experiments on gastrointestinal ulcer treatment also have proved that as long as the medical treatment is carried out along with this healthcare technique, or even by direct use of this technique alone, it will be able to achieve the regeneration of the gastrointestinal mucosa on the ulcerative wound surface without scar formation.  In the prevention of mucosal damages, the experiments of ethanol damages on animals and humans all proved that as long as taking five tablets of MEBO Gastrointestinal Capsule orally each time before drinking, the gastrointestinal mucosa can be protected from damages.  In solving the problem of constipation, based on the effects of regenerative nutrients, the physiological structure and functions of related intestinal organs can be regenerated and restored in situ and thus we can solve the seemingly tough problem of constipation, for which there is few ideal solution before.  In order to alleviate the excessive burden and injuries of gastrointestine caused by diet, we have established the bioclock diet plan in this technique, which will provide scientific diet guidance for people and plays an important role for the gastrointestinal regenerative restoration.

Since this technique is the first one which realized the tissue organ regenerative restoration in situ in human life science, numerous scientific studies and validation data are listed herein in this plan to make the readers fully understand the real scientific connotation.  This technique is not the modern medicine technique but the science of Human Body Regenerative restoration in a new era of life regeneration.  Modern medicine aims at the diseased tissue cells or organs and helps to control and cure diseases, but it can not eradicate diseases.  Whereas this technique aims at normal tissues and cells in human body, and it helps to regenerate new cells or tissues in situ, to renew diseased cells, aged tissues and organs, and to realize the regeneration of structure and physiological functions of organs.  In modern medicine people use drugs to fight against diseases; while in this technique regenerative nutritional substances are provided for the normal cells in human body. This technique is fundamentally different from the modern medicine; but it does not have any contradiction against the modern medicine and also has no confliction with the disease treatment by drug administration.  We do not need to stop any medical treatment since drugs will not affect the regenerative restoration in this technique, which can be considered as a partner of traditional medical treatments and will make collaborative contribution to the health of human body.  However, this technique is independent on the aspect of regenerative restoration since the other medical techniques have no effects on regenerative restoration, which is the academic demarcation between the modern medicine and regenerative science.

Since this technique mainly targets on the non-medical population, we have taken the form of simple reports of scientific research and validation conclusions and adopt daily languages (non-professional language). However, if you have any question about the teminology, you can promptly contact with MEBO human body regeneration club; if life science researchers have some technical problems to discuss, they can contact the regenerative medicine department of MEBO International Group.